Alert: Content deleted! In the backdrop of my head, I had it planned to directly post the content of the above URL link to my blog which I had shared through a blogpost earlier. I was thinking that you never know as to when it might get removed or deleted by the owner of that particular publication, or what if the owner of that site decides to shut down their project and let the site inaccessible. But, I guess, I got too late to cover the content. My fear has come true. I was just scrolling through my blog posts and reading the titles when I saw this post. So, I clicked on the URL only to find the link of no use. Did I create quite a hullabaloo over it back then? A lot, in my writing world. Over my story getting published on an editorial publication website in the section that it doesn't acknowledge anymore. So, I'll have to dig into the storage of our dated personal computer whose RAM has been almost fully exhau...