The Accident

Just as I promised that I’ll down my guard of inhibitions in my next post, here I’m delivering that promise. If you remember I had slightly mentioned about a lifetime experience. My mom had asked me to not to make a hue and cry about it but I want to write down that experience to recollect each feeling if someday in future I wanted to, so here it goes. It was 22nd October 2018. I have disclosed n number of times that I travel daily by bus – the safest mode. That day I was carrying a new purse to my office so I tried not to burden it with the weight of my elbows. So, I carefully placed it on my lap. I had a minor burn on my finger, so I applied an ointment on it. Urgh! The bus driver applied break and the sudden jerk wiped off a little bit of that ointment. Call it intuition or whatever, out of nowhere I was recapping the important phone numbers which one might need to remember in case of an emergency. I don’t know if it’s a ‘girl-thing’ to imagine oneself in difficult...