Finished reading a novel :)
This one’s coming from a girl who is feeling a little pumped up. (Do I need to say that that girl is me only.)
For I just finished reading a novel.
So, what’s the big deal? Why so much of hullabaloo and drum beating about it? If this is what came to your mind then I need to tell you that this one novel was pending for a complete read for more than a year or so (I’ve mitigated the time period to make it sound nice.)
Thankfully, I can now get rid of the guilt feeling of half-read-novel.
‘Meri laundry ka ek bill, ik aadhi padhi novel,’ this song often playing out in my head.
You know I’ve always been the one who would taunt others for not being able to finish reading the novel, if they had any. I used to fail to understand how people can’t make it a point to complete the task at hand. And now I myself was falling into the same category.
A lot of events happened during this span of one year that they led to the overdue delay.
Also, the fact that the novel was not a fiction didn’t help, reading which one gets excited and flips pages in one go to know what turn the story would take. It was an autobiography (the dilemma that should I reveal the name of the personality persists) and too intense at that. So many intricate details of the quest to reach the desired goal made it more of a serious-non-fiction-novel, though it made up for a good read.

Good readers have benchmarks of the shortest time they have taken to read the complete novel with a statement like “I finished reading that novel in a day itself,” coming often.
There I was, not taking a week’s time, not a month’s time but more than a year’s time to finish just one novel.
So yeah, now that you’ve read this post, you know what a big deal it was. Feels like a task has been ticked off on my to-do list.
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