...Continued To: Aarush

As I mentioned in the last post, over the time span of two and a half years (almost three years) of Aarush, I’ve gathered too many clues that now I’m carrying them forward to this post as well. ( Hidden Motive: I can bait him in future to read my blog to know more about his childhood) Overall, I can say he is a smart kid and I’m not saying this because he stands in a near relation to me. But because once when I met a kid, I asked him his age generally. He ran crashing down to his mother asking what his age was. It was only after his mother told him that he’s three-and-a-half-year-old that he could answer me. But Aarush knows it from the time when he was about to turn two. (That is a different thing that now I find it difficult to teach him that he’s going to be three ; after making him repeat several times after me when I ask him again he says, “Two”) He already knows who’s stuff it is: the blankets, the combs, the clothes; and this is when, sometimes, even I get...