Two sides of a story
There are two sides of the coin and so are of a story. Most general out of those incidents is the one where you know that the other person is lying and is trying its best to present the facts in the most convincing form.
Once my friend lost some stuff. By natural, the other fellow was her prime suspect as they would usually hide each others’ stuff. She asked her numerous times and later on turned to me. I flatly refused of having done any such thing. I tried my best to suppress a smile grin and look more convincing. After few hours when it was the time to bid goodbye I handed it over to her saying look how good I am at lying to which she said, “Initially, I had no idea but afterwards I knew that you were behind all this.”
Here I was thinking myself to be a real ‘conceal-er’ by acting all that smart and I get a reality check that she already knew the truth and was pretending to not know and seeing me acting/lying. Generally, this one is the most experienced two-sides-of-a-story-moment.
It is one of my favourite habits to show my drawing file to almost everyone who encounters me. It has pieces of art dating back to when I wasn’t even a teenager. So back then I wasn’t much serious and would let my strokes play out on any random paper I could spot nearby; the other side of which would have some advertisement, some brochures, used papers with one side left blank etcetera.
So, one day when I showed my file to one of my friends, the reaction I got was, "Look she doesn’t even have any proper paper to draw on (And obviously she wasn’t saying it with bad intentions or to hurt me)."
Then I showed my file to one of my relatives and he pointed out, “Look, how she’s used waste papers and thus served twin purpose by putting them to a better use.”
A few years back, there used to be this teacher of ours who would be irritated by our classroom habits, would usually scold us (and even send us out of the class often). Once, in the middle of the lecture, we hear these words coming from the teacher, “They don’t have any doubts. They, anyway, don’t get (understand) anything” which was directed towards us, of course. It was only after the tests that she got to know that we belonged to the ‘high score students’ (I could’ve written toppers but then I didn’t want to show off but…..) Afterwards, her banter converted to unexpected praises “Like you don’t need to be taught,” “you’ll do it on your own” but it was her previous version which was better.
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The other day, my cousin visited us. After sometime when he saw ME holding my nephew, he casually passed a comment saying she doesn’t know how to hold a baby even after months. I stayed quiet thinking who’ll tell him that it’s me who spends most of the time with him than any of my elder counterparts. He might have said it due to the fact that I am the youngest one in the house and probably didn’t know how to hold a baby.
There is one more instance but I don’t know how to explain. So let’s assume one person to be X and another be Y. I know both X and Y and have liking for both of them. Both X and Y have mutual hatred for each other for reasons best known to them. One day, X says to me, “Y is looking irritated and Y always has this sort of look on its face. I wonder her nature is like that only.” Because I know Y so closely, I know that this would be her last characteristic, if it has to be on the list howsoever. On the other hand, Y feels X is always complaining and never satisfied but I know that things are not like that (Maybe I don't agree because X said good words to me many a time.)
This one has to be on the list. Once a guy was chatting with me; something must be wrong with him on that day for he was flirting with me which was very unusual (because I evidently knew that he liked some other girl though he never said it openly). I ignored it initially; after a while he stopped flirting but on seeing his constant teasing mood and the aforesaid efforts, I decided to turn the tables. So, I pretended like I always wanted to be with him. Poor he! He got trapped and after a day I disclosed that I didn’t mean anything seriously. After that incident, he tried to trap me in similar situations but I escaped every time knowing that he is trying to take revenge. (Who knows, if he was actually serious.)
Got too lengthy? Ending with this one
I’ve said earlier as well that first benchers always have that studious image even if they aren’t. So one day we were told that since you’ve completed your projects just on time so you’re studious. The second benchers are told that they want to be like the first benchers although they had their projects ready days before the deadline (even before we completed ours). They just managed to escape the tags (usually given to 1st benchers) due to their positioning.
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