Humanity - A Poem

This composition was for a contest at my University. I am not bragging but I secured a position for it. Of course, it was an e-contest, which means less competition. Multiple winners for one position also paved the way for an easy victory. Enough of bragging-cum-bashing. Let's proceed. 

Have a good read.


God placed humans highest in the evolution chain because of the characteristic Humanity,
However, these days it gushes through our blood in rarety. 
Alas! All of us are lost in the race for vanity.

From running away from moral and social responsibilities,
To grabbing all possible benefits selfishly.
Everyone is trying to seek some sort of parity, 
But our actions reflect complete disparity.
Hence, we need to take a pause for much-needed clarity.

We must dig within ourselves to fetch our mind's sanity,
And craft the humane deeds with all of our heart's purity.
By bringing our efforts and actions in utter harmony.

Amidst these testing times, we need to follow our conscience merely,
A token of gratitude towards daily helpers, medical experts, Covid warriors would cheer their bravery,
And helping the needy people in whatsoever manner would keep us away from devil's slavery.

However, the well-being of others must not be with the thought of charity, 
But with the hope of successfully getting others out of desperate difficulties.
After all, it would make us no less from someone angelic and fairily,
Returning us the possessions of faithfulness and loyalty.

With the aim to preserve this emotion for Eternity,
Together we will be able to escape each and every brutality.
We must contribute by getting rid of our fallacies,
Not giving in to all the desires of materiality,
And by forgetting the divides that we have created, 
To become one with the divinity.

PS It was written on the last date for submission of entries. Sometimes rhyme just flows in. 


  1. You've got a new fan.. such beautiful words

    1. Thanks. It means a lot. I wish I knew your name.


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