Patriotism - II (A justification)

My patriotism post has been interpreted by most as a war of languages between Hindi and Punjabi, no matter how hard I tried to shield the underlying thought.

But the truth might be different from what got portrayed.

So, clarification: I don't have any problem with any of the languages. I am fluent in all three of them, namely English (yes, even it was slightly referred to in the so-called controversial post but I guess all the focus was shifted to the other two), Hindi and Punjabi. (Disclaimer: These are not in order of my liking towards them, but I just put them in alphabetical order.) 
I can switch to any of them as per need of the hour.

In fact, nowadays I'm often switching between languages even amidst the sentence. That a part of my sentence is being spoken in one language and the other part in another; which I admit is not a good trait as per linguistics.

The whole habit generated from the fact that I belong to a Punjabi speaking family having roots in Punjab but I've been residing in a territory of people having a tilt towards Hindi. So, since childhood, I spoke Punjabi at home and switched to Hindi as soon as I stepped out of the home. None of the outsiders knew that I'm equally proficient in Punjabi.
Proficiency in English evolved gradually when I developed an interest in writing, even though it was initially for social media only.

Now that I commute to Punjabi speaking region daily I started conversing in Punjabi with outsiders as well. But the old habit of almost two decades cannot die so easily, and being able to converse in more languages is not a habit which deserves to be shed off.
So I'm happy carrying that badge of being multi-lingual.

Here the problem thing is that I turn into a rebellion at times. Usually, I'm an obedient person, not questioning much of what is being said and asked. I don't have a major problem in any of the opinions. 

But some things irk me occasionally and there are no specifics as to what would irk me and what not. Even I don't know what exactly turns me off and makes me react in a certain way.

At one place I deliberately started talking to one person in Hindi because the rebel in me sometimes forces me to do such things which are forbidden.
In contrast, I repeatedly ask my nephew to speak in Punjabi. (Honestly, he is also one of the reasons that I mix up two languages now.) He spoke in pure Punjabi before he started going to school but after his schooling in an esteemed school started he has now almost forgotten how to converse in Punjabi. No matter how hard he tries, he ends up uttering sentences in Hindi.

My mom even commented upon this attitude of mine saying where people ask you to speak in a particular language there you are speaking in the other language and where another language is being spoken there you are forcing people to speak in that particular language. Can't you be in flow?

This particular incident made me pick up a pen and paper and write upon this issue again.

Huff! Never in my life had I imagined that Language will be such a big issue. Imagine what all people can make you do. I've never been the one who would explain and justify oneself this much. I'm out of those who would say the thing once or twice and leave it then and there.


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