Boring by birth?
Lately, I noted that all of my recent posts fell under the label of 'Philosophical'. I started this label to help me categorise my blog posts into boring (they depict meaningless philosophy at least to me sometimes) and non-boring ones.
Does this imply that I'm becoming boring? Or am I 'Boring by birth'? I don't know why I got this instinct to slide in my one of the favourite bio(s) that I had put on Whatsapp which was even copied by a dear friend. No doubt like-minded people become friends.
Or it's another change that is coming in me. Like I've written earlier as well that I change a lot. And things might not turn/change for better always. I'm afraid if it's a change for worse this time.
Perhaps the writer in me is growing up like we all grew up from listening to stories to taking things of concern seriously.
I can recall how I had so many anecdotes to share, how I used to be pumped up for certain things and now I hardly get excited about things.
Recently, I went for a movie outing. And out of the three people, two of them had indulged in this experience only once or twice. So they were excited and overjoyed, but I lacked the feeling.
Not that I didn't enjoy the movie but it's more of a 'sagely thing'; like they say: Away from materialistic things.
Perhaps the writer in me is growing up like we all grew up from listening to stories to taking things of concern seriously.
I can recall how I had so many anecdotes to share, how I used to be pumped up for certain things and now I hardly get excited about things.
Recently, I went for a movie outing. And out of the three people, two of them had indulged in this experience only once or twice. So they were excited and overjoyed, but I lacked the feeling.
Not that I didn't enjoy the movie but it's more of a 'sagely thing'; like they say: Away from materialistic things.
Did I ever mention in my posts that we've not recharged our TV for the last... Ummm, 3 years as far as I can remember?
That I don't get the urge to forward all the media content that I see on Whatsapp and I even download only the selected content that I receive and not all of it blindfolded.
That I don't like to get socialise much. I require more-than-normal my time and if I socialise that time gets invaded.
On the other day, my colleague asked me if I've watched the series that he had recommended to me. On my denial he must have formed an image of me because on another day, he commented that oh yeah how could you know this. You anyway don't watch TV, the other one said you don't dance or you don't even celebrate festivals with much fervour, ain't it?
"You must not be knowing this... this is how it is" is their common dialogue amidst conversations to which I don't react out of disinterest.
Newspapers are deemed to be a thing of boredom and people don't find them fanciful. But I find a muse in reading them. Nowadays when I'm trying to get back to the best version of myself one of the mission is to indulge in more newspaper reading. Sounds dull?
(Alright. Alright. I admit I've portrayed myself as an inanely boring persona and the situation might be in control as of yet).
PS I fear, on reading these confessions from me, I'll lose some of my readers. (Pardon me, if I'm getting judgmental towards you guys.)