Of God and the (dis)belief
I have been ignoring some topics for a (long) while now. So it’s high time to write them one by one.
Disclaimer: The views expressed here are of the author only. Neither they are supposed to bind anyone nor are they meant to denigrate any opposing view point.
Disclaimer: The views expressed here are of the author only. Neither they are supposed to bind anyone nor are they meant to denigrate any opposing view point.
Here, I’m talking about god and how I define its existence and this disclaimer is the result of what happens if you talk about god in this country. By the way, I didn’t need to give it as I belong to the category which won’t hurt religious values of anyone.
Of course, I’m not going to present you some hard-to-counter evidence for there isn’t any, but it’s going to be about the little individual connection that you feel with THE ONE. I may not be at my logical best but then you can’t expect logic from me to convince you about the existence of someone who has created this whole world on which all those brilliant brains live.
Starting with the system which prevails all around the world: At every place, every level, there is some leader/head who takes the front seat and leads the group. Be it the class monitor, a boss in an office, a judge in a court, representative of a country etc. But when it comes to a thing as big as this world universe we stop admitting some basic facts.
Your existence in itself is a reason. Agreed that a woman gives birth to a child but sometimes even after utmost efforts one doesn’t conceive or loses out a foetus even after due care is taken and sometimes even after desperate actions one can’t get over with the foetus whereas, in same circumstances, different results have been witnessed by different people. Some things are meant to happen in a certain way.
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Source: The Tribune |
Another cruel aspect of god is that not everyone is heard by him. Many of the wishes go unheard. For this, I’ve this funny reason: When you do some task for someone and if you do an additional favour for them on your own, they don’t get satisfied but they will ask for more. That’s what happens with god. There are so many expectations from him that after a certain point of time it gets repetitive and he gets to know that wishes are endless and we aren’t going to be satisfied. (I ended up sounding a little silly)
I admit that, yes, he may be unfair in certain situations. Sometimes you are not rewarded as per your skill/talent. Even after putting in utmost efforts one fails. But that is luck, you may not understand what he’s planned for you (Clichéd, Isn’t it?)
That’s a beautiful/ironic video.
Just in case, you are too-scientific and want to say that Science - the most logical thing ever, doesn’t validate God, then it I would say IT STILL HASN’T PROVED GOD’S ABSENCE. Conclusively, some things are beyond even Science; you can’t prove everything. When you go in for body scans and stuff, the reports don’t show any soul but that doesn’t mean you don’t have any soul.
Science is something which is still in the learning stage, scientists are still ‘discovering’ things which means they have already been created by someone - call it nature, call it creator, call it god.
“Do you believe in ghosts?” and if your answer is, “Yes” then like good old kid stories ‘For every evil, there is an angel.’ To counter the evil of ghosts there is an angel in the form of God. Just agree otherwise the kid in me would come out and will compel you to agree.
Talking about the connection, I have an incident once an utterly disappointing teacher taught us a really tough subject who would never touch upon the topics having the most importance. I had decided to request to change the teacher and if not done so I was going to grill the teacher so that the denial to teach came from that side itself. But that day only I saw the desired teacher stepping into our class.
It might be an incident of miniscule importance but God isn’t going to connect with you by performing huge miracles for you, it’s about the belief, it’s about the little wave of feeling crossing through your heart that you realise there is one supreme being looking upon you.
As a side note, do atheists say, “Thank God,” “By God,” “I swear by God” or “Oh My God” just to express or they even avoid the sudden utterance of a noun they deny? And do they pray in difficult times and if yes then how?
PS I couldn't find any picture of God so, please, settle down with the picture of the article only. :P
PS I couldn't find any picture of God so, please, settle down with the picture of the article only. :P
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