The Arguing World
“Don’t argue with people, it is not good.” One of the most inappropriate lessons imparted. It is good to be argumentative as it makes you spontaneous; it might help you in exploring a new way to look at things. And if the ball comes in your court then you may end up enlighten some other soul. What it takes to be Argumentative? Having a witty brain or the confidence?
Confidence alone cannot do everything; you should then know how to express yourself. I have seen many people losing out on the arguments just because they failed to express themselves while the other party framed words in such a way that they looked more convincing despite the fact that they were fighting for the wrong thing.
Then there will be those irritating arguers who would catch you out of nowhere and start arguing upon something uncalled for. There is this friend of mine who was arguing with me on one such topic. I defended myself. And she took the argument in a whole new direction backing her views with some irrelevant facts.
The worst part of it was that she was not even interested in listening to my side of the story. (No, I am not penning down the situation of the husband in a Husband-Wife argument where the wife just doesn’t listen.)
According to me, it is confidence in yourself that is needed the most to have an argument. I am stressing more upon confidence (and not on witty brain) because most of the arguments between people are such where one party expresses views and supports them with mindless facts and continue the fight.
My sister argues with me with such high confidence (even if she is wrong) that I get confused if I am right or she. So, the need of witty brain to have an argument can be evicted conveniently.
My sister argues with me with such high confidence (even if she is wrong) that I get confused if I am right or she. So, the need of witty brain to have an argument can be evicted conveniently.
Confidence alone cannot do everything; you should then know how to express yourself. I have seen many people losing out on the arguments just because they failed to express themselves while the other party framed words in such a way that they looked more convincing despite the fact that they were fighting for the wrong thing.
Coming up to the practicality, one SMS conveys:
“In every class, there is one student who arguments with the teacher and entertains the whole class.”
Very well said. May God save us from the boring lectures! Half of the time wasted by the teacher in an argument acts as a mood freshener.
There used to be this teacher of mine whose intentions of teaching I always doubted as he would argue in the whole lecture with any of the students who answers his question saying you are wrong and at the end of the lecture would “Yes! You were right.”
The worst part of it was that she was not even interested in listening to my side of the story. (No, I am not penning down the situation of the husband in a Husband-Wife argument where the wife just doesn’t listen.)
So, be argumentative but make sure that you fall in “The irritating Arguer” category as it is not necessary to be good — always!
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