Absent Mindedness

Has it ever happened to you that you went to the room and forgot the purpose of going there? 

Answer for many of you would be in affirmative. It happens mostly because our attention is diverted to something else and this is what we call phenomenon of Absent Mindedness.

Another common instance is when you accidentally fix your gaze on some object and sometimes (embarrassingly) on a person while thinking about something else. Similarly, one usually tunes out from the conversation and ends up saying something irrelevant to the prevailing topic.

To begin with not-so-common cases, once I boarded a bus mis-taking it as some other bus. On the whole route, I was wondering that since when has this bus started going by this road. In between this thought process, I realized that my penultimate destination has arrived and I left the bus. After re-checking the route-displaying-board, I got to know that this bus was supposed to take me to my ultimate destination and now that it has gone I’ll have to walk my way to my destination. (In this way, Absent Mindedness can cost you losing a few kilos from your body)

Then, there was this girl who wrote a wrong answer to the question in the exam, despite knowing the actual answer and the fact that she told that actual answer to the guy sitting next to her. 

Another friend of mine participated in a modeling contest where he was supposed to introduce himself as well. He did everything fine but at the time of telling about his hobbies he forgot what to say. (“How can someone forget one’s hobbies? He must be absent minded”, I concluded).

Another day, my mom boiled milk and then she needed to boil water. So she put the bowl of water on the gas and came in the room and sat by my side. After a while, she went to kitchen and what she saw was that instead of bowl of water, she had accidentally (or say absent mindedly) put the bowl of milk on the gas. In this way, she re-boiled the boiled milk which by that time was overflowing.

Once my friends were at the bus stop, they were waiting for the bus for quiet long time and when the bus came, all three of them remained standing there like a statue. Not one, but all three of them were so absent minded that they could not sense the arrival of the bus and the bus departed. And only after hearing this sound of the engine of the bus, they were transported back to the real world.

On a last note, I would say that absent mindedness can put you in embarrassing and unwanted situations which might sound funny to other people.


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