Just a Beginner

So, here comes my first blog. You must be thinking that blogging is a big deal and only few selected people can do this. However, what I firmly believe is that once you have made your mind, then your mind's pervasive thoughts get a new direction to work towards (Like if you want to start something in field of art and innovation, your mind will start generating various creative ideas and thus creativity automatically flows in). And believing this stupid philosophy of mine, I gathered the courage to start this blogging thing.

Well, I am little nervous as it’s my first blog and have no idea what people should write in blogs. But one thing what I know for sure is that I would like to dedicate my first blog to Babaji because he is the one who is supervising all the things in my life and all I have is because of his grace.

Besides, I would like to thank and appreciate you – yes! You (who made an effort to read this stuff). It is because of readers like you that I did not have second thoughts in my mind to present my views before public. If you find this post intriguing enough then please support me and consider visiting this blog for more such posts (probably better than this as they say “Practice makes perfect"). I promise that I will try to deliver better stuff than this and hopefully won’t  disappoint you.


  1. Thats really a good start to ur perfection ... Keep blogging...!!

    1. Oh! that is so nice of you. I appreciate :)

  2. Blogger haan! Cool! Kid there are no stupid philosphies, its just your point of view and others. Oh my god you thanked me ! Yo welcome girl ;-) we know you wont disappoint. Keep going ! Supporters all here :-)

    1. It feels so good to hear nice words from your side. Thank you again. :)

  3. wow ; yr first blog is really nice ... good start keep blogging


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