Accounting Diaries

Around these days, 5 years ago, I was inducted into accounting as a professional. So, no matter how much love-hate relationship you share with your professional life, it deserves a toast. Adding one more piece to my collection of poems.

You know you're an Accountant,
When you log into the professional bank account more often than your personal bank account.

When you've signed more official cheques than your own cheque leaves ever in your life.

When you get messed up in a multitude of passwords and dig in for a rescuing little secret piece of paper that holds your credentials.

When you maintain and keep track of business accounts more religiously than your individual bargains.

When your speed on the numeric side of the keyboard is more than the alphabetic side,
And calculators are one of your allies.

When you end up opening spreadsheets (preferably MS excel) even when you are supposed to write in (MS) words.

When you keep reminding yourself of the deadlines for the statutory payments, collecting challans and filing returns.

When "My phone is full of official documents," is the common lament,
And the fear of getting entangled in the number web is inevitable. 

When your contact list consists of more colleagues, clients and official relations,
And less number of family, friends and acquaintances.

When generating monthly, quarterly and annual reports seems to be a never-ending game,
Time flies by with new year ready to knock on the door. 


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