Error 404: Phone not found
When my dad lost his phone, I thought that I would write about it as I was in search of a topic. But I couldn't find anything substantial in that episode to write about. Apart from the fact that he called me up in the afternoon to inform me, saying, "The phone has run." I was clueless. I thought he was talking about the courier guy who must have brought his new phone, that I had ordered online for him to give him a surprise, but has now returned due to some unknown reason. I tried to act innocent and not spill the beans immediately. Thankfully, he was still unaware of 'it' and not-so-thankfully broke the news of his phone getting lost. I advised him and cut the call. After getting all the necessary things done in the evening: lodging the FIR and getting the new SIM with the same old contact number issued etc, (I should cut down the steps, for it's not a tutorial blog on 'Steps to follow after losing your phone') we reached home. And ...