A visit to doctor

That day I decided to take an off from work because the weather forecast had predicted two days of continuous and heavy rains. So I had an excuse.

I didn't set an alarm for the morning. Amidst the dawn, I set aside the curtain to take a view of the weather with sleepy eyes and all I could see was a clear sky with no backdrop of clouds. *Shit happens*

Moving forward, I had a long pending visit to the doctor that had skipped my mind the preceding weekend. So I utilised the day.

I thought I'll take panjiri for him. This gesture was based upon easing the stressfulness of job lives, especially of a doctor. I was trying to be a babe thinking, 'Let's just make his day,' because once in earlier conversations he had told us that his mouth got watered on listening to the word 'panjiri, "It reminds me of my mother," he had said.

Fast forward ---》 The doctor handed over the prescription to me. Before getting up, I gave him the box of panjiri, out of which he barely took half a spoon of panjiri, but he got more than happy. 

So, he turned to his drawer and gave me supplies of my prescription medicines for a whole of 4 weeks. I denied as there was no need of providing them free of cost, but he insisted saying it's nothing as he had free samples of them.

He told how according to him care is the standard on which relationships are measured upon. Nobody remembers and cares for others in this busy modern world. However, he didn't even remember that he told us that it reminded him of his mother.

When I was about to leave, he interjected saying, "Next time onwards come to me without billing.
I'll see you without billing as well."
I was grateful and took leave.

Things take an unpredictable turn.

On a kiddish note: I had this thought in my mind that what if he writes a blog too and I might get an anonymous mention there for doing such a thing. But never did I imagine that he'll surprise me and make my day with his overwhelming and humbling reaction.
It's so strange how things pan out, here he is finding a mention in my blog.

But I guess people in private firms do have a social skill of appeasing others through their polite and sweet communication skills. He might be trying to strike a chord in this visit and in the earlier ones too, you know tricks to get patients comfortable.

On coming back home when I told mom about the whole incident, she said, "Who will let you in the next time? They ask for the bill receipt in the first place, before they place your file in the doctor's cabin. Do you have anything written in your file?" (Such a government-employee-like-thing, 'Where is it written?')

But call it my innocence or trust, I believe even if I go directly without billing, he'll check me. That's a different thing that I don't want to go that way and will not ever go that way. 

[An evil voice in my head is prompting me to test the intention. I can go by getting the billing done but not showing the bill receipt to the concerned person and when I'm let in I can present to them the bonafide receipt.

A sane-and-scared voice in my head says, 'Shhhh, you don't take such risks with your doctor. Your life is in their hands.']


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