The art of being 'Smart'

Why are all of us in the quest of being the smartest? Why do we feel the need to prove ourselves right, no matter what?

“We don’t listen to understand; we listen to reply,” I read a quote somewhere.

We nourish in ourselves the vibe of ‘I-know-it-all’. Or more prominently ‘I’m always correct’. We are ready to counter the argument even before listening to it till the end. All of us encounter a bunch of people who find it hard to accept their mistakes. Almost everyone tries to avert taking the blame by conveniently passing it off to the closest person available.

Do I need to say that we ourselves are included in the same lot? I’m sure even we’re guilty of the same offence. After all, we are not godly creatures who are perfect.

“Thankfully, at least one of them admitted this fact,” God must be saying on seeing my confession.

All of this is despite everyone knowing the fact that HUMANS ARE FALLIBLE. God knows who we are trying to fool.

One of the people at my office unremarkably commented, “I believe the newer generation isn’t likely to work as hard as we used to in our times of learning. They get things ready on platter these days. We used to run from pillar to pillar to gather knowledgeable data.” This statement oozed over-confidence in oneself. 

It might have been difficult to spread any information back then and considerable efforts must have been needed to put in and it is at the fingertips nowadays. But it can’t be said the younger generation is not hard-working, it has far more challenges to tackle.
(I hope he wasn’t trying to convey any hidden message to me and if I was the one on whom things were indirectly pointed at, as of late I’ve come to know that I’m in his good books.)

Cut short, everyone tries to prove that they are the smartest. On a lighter note, humans set aside, even the cities are not lagging. One comes across surveys being held, ranking the cities in order of their smartness.

On the sideline: No, I’m not trying to fend off the huge time gap between my blog posts. It’s just that this time I didn’t want to apologize to my readers. Because this time, I didn’t return to blogging for the sake of ‘not-losing’ my readers; but I started writing back because I wanted to get back to the activity which helped me in boosting my image in my own eyes, if not anyone else’s.

To be honest, I used to be a happily-cum-merrily living girl. ‘You keep on laughing/smiling’ used to be the comments given by some. While of late, my mom has been pissed off of me for I kept on sobbing and cribbing for the minutest of the reasons. So I thought why to let the idle mind over-analyze happenings of life in-depth and that it’s better to keep it busy in something productive.

Or to put it in other words, I was so dejected at such magnificent win of the present ruling party in India (which I unapologetically bashed in my last post) that it took me 3 months to take up pen and paper keyboard. *Just saying*


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