All for Laughing
‘I laugh a lot’ is a fact that I’ve disclosed numerous times.
I just tend to laugh a little more than normal. Sometimes, it so happens that when everyone else has stopped laughing on the situation, I continue laughing. They even think that I’ve understood the situation just then, but what they don’t know is that I was accompanying them in laughing earlier as well and the lateral laugh is just an add on. A little psychotic I’m? Yeah, even I feel so.
The general perception that goes around is if you laugh then you lose out. Hasi toh phasi. But its equivalent to Error 404 in my case i.e. it’s not available in my dictionary. I might let out a smile on your joke but that won’t imply that I’m impressed or that I’m not angry anymore.
Once my sister decided to test and asked me to try to control and not laugh, then she started repeating a ‘meaningless’ word. I lost out on even that. That word wasn’t funny or anything close to funny, just that my ability to control my laughter is such.
Trying to decode the reason for this, I explored the possibilities on Google. I had a thin belief that it would be due to some hormonal changes or excess secretion of them.
Note: The following information might not suit your serious sensibilities. Kindly proceed with care.
This is what I found when I searched why some people laugh more than others or why do we laugh. Various searches said we laugh when we hear a joke.

But of course, kids are mostly a step ahead from their parents so I got this habit in an amplified amount. There are people who, if they have to define me or state any prime characteristic of mine, would say ‘She keeps laughing/smiling.’
To end it off on a rather delightful note (hoping it actually is delightful for all of you and not only me):
One of my colleagues confronted me saying, “Are you afraid of taking a lift from me?” I shook my head trying to remember the situation he was referring to. I asked what made him say that and he told that one day he saw me walking down my way and ‘according to him’ I even smiled at him. Given the fact that I’m generally unaware of who’s passing by me when I’m walking (don’t mistake it as my inattentiveness), I could not recollect any day when I could’ve come across him.
Rest about smiling, sometimes I get flashbacks of funny moments which make me smile out of nowhere. It may also be the reason that I don’t look at faces when I’m walking. What if it makes others misunderstand my smile and create bewilderment if they know me.
Did that attempt to be humorous by giving a ‘note regarding the following information’ crash coursed badly?
*Shit Happens*
😂😂😂😂😂 Interesting