To: Women and Girls

Coming from a girl who didn’t really face much harsher things but really felt it happening around; This post is not going to enlist the atrocities against women for enough has been and is being written about it already but it is a mere dedication to the gender I belong to. I’m not really a fan of this gender because …. well, I don’t know why. Probably because the other gender people deal with things in a better way - be it the humour, the stress/worries, or jealousy (or say the absence of it). But the vulnerable position of women made me write this. Once I was in a public space waiting for something. On seeing a women in a jersey of police passing by us, a women remarked, “Women don’t look good in this uniform, right?” awaiting my approval/nod. At first I didn’t really pay attention to what she said and nodded as you do when you’re listening to a stranger inattentively but as soon as I realised what she said I rejected her viewpoint and her reply was, “Oh, they look good! You...