
Showing posts from May, 2016

Fan Girl - I used to be

Fans are so devoted to their icons that even the littlest of their deeds get over the heads of their fans; leaving them in complete awe of them. ( Rajinikanth is worshipped as God for his down-to-earth nature and by no means I'm saying that he should be or shouldn't be worshipped. This just crossed my mind on reading the word 'devoted'.) One such incident which comes to my mind just as I write this is when a few days back my sibling said, “I’ve started liking him even more now, not only on his professional front but personal as well.” “What has he done now?” I asked. She directed me to open the so-and-so page of the newspaper and read the relevant news item . I read it in whole and wondered if I have read the wrong news. I asked her the same. She said, “Yeah! I meant this only. Don’t you think he is such a gentleman?” and added a few more lines displaying that she is in complete awe of him. Before you judge me, let me say my bit. Yeah, he migh

Fan(atic) Moments

I was so confused; I equally wanted to write on two topics but then I finally decided that I’ll go with this one and I’ll write about the other topic the next time. So you don’t need to waste your time on thinking what that topic could be. You’ll anyway get to know about it in a few weeks’ time. First of all Disclaimer :  Neither this post promotes the movie ‘ Fan ’ nor is inspired from its storyline; rather is my own brainchild. I’ve seen that I have written most of the posts glorifying me (at least I see it this way). So, here, for a change, I’m going to write at my own expense and tiny excerpts of others (of course). As you must have guessed it right, this post is about the feelings and behaviour of celebrities’ fans. I’ve been one such fan for many years of my life, particularly (throughout) my teenage.  I would update my status to wish them on their birthdays; I had a folder (for a soft copy) and a file (for a hard copy) containing their pictures, knew everything ab