'She' and her stalker

Women tend to sense ‘such’ things on an instinct. She knows when the guy bumps into her accidentally and when ‘intentionally’. She knows when the guy is following her and when not. Repetitive news of women being abused in the country continues to terrify her; fear has occupied a permanent corner in her heart.

She had witnessed the Eve teasing events from childhood. She remembers when once she went to a fair in a group consisting female members only. She had pointed out towards a group of boys as one of them was wearing the same shirt as she possessed. 

But one thing which she did not know at that time was that the same group of boys was going to stalk them on their way back to home. She was getting panicked, as she was nothing but only a 7-year-old girl. As it happens, in the most of the cases, the girls hid their residence by entering the wrong street. They managed to hoodwink the ‘goons’ somehow. But it left an imprint on her mind, instilled a fear in her heart.

After a few years, one day when she was going to a nearby place with her friend. She sensed something wrong; some strange person following them. They got an idea. One of them started walking backwards facing him and directly staring at him, and the other one in the opposite direction to lead her. (It’s a little complex here is the funny diagram)

He got nervous due to her stare, probably because usually girls try to escape from such situations as quickly as possible, but here was the girl who faced him and made him so nervous that he changed his path.

The common piece of advice by society is if you go out with a male member in your family the goons will not tease you. She believed it until the day when she was on a scooter with her dad and sister. She was talking to her sister and laughing when two guys passed by them on their bike. 

After a few miles, she noticed that the same guys were following them. They followed them till the time they reached home and went back. She thought: What is the purpose of such people to follow girls like this? What do they get by doing this?

She thought using rough language (hurling cuss words now and then) may prevent this, but she didn’t know how stupid the idea was. She realised it only one day when she was standing alone waiting for something. A group of guys, sitting in a car, passed a comment on her and all her daring came falling down. She couldn’t say even a word and chose to stay silent, although in her heart she was reciting prayers.

She felt the dire need of some safety tricks. Pepper sprays couldn’t make her feel secure anymore. She saw the new ray of hope in the Martial Arts as a defensive technique.

Writer’s Note: A video worth sharing in this context "That Day After Every Day"


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