When you OBSERVE around...

I am going to be little philosophical in this post and all this post contains is - my convictions. One fine day, I was sitting in my classroom with my friend and the lecture was free. Both of us had nothing to do. After getting bored for minutes, she asked me “What are you thinking?” I suggested her to just observe the people around. We witnessed this: two guys were running where one was chasing the other one. Suddenly the guy, who was getting chased, came across the group of girls (Note: He topped the list of shy guys). In order to avoid that group of girls, he stopped midway which resulted in him being caught up by the chaser. And we burst into laughter. Had we been ignorant about the surroundings, we would have missed this chance of laughing. Whenever any creative person is interviewed and is asked about the reason behind the success story, the reply will be in terms of art of observing. “I observe people around me and substitute my observations into my work. Hence p...