Teachers (Not the whisky brand)

This person walks into the classroom carrying some books in hand and with the default expression, usually ‘sadu’ one. Yes, you guessed it right, I am talking about teachers. Sorry, I categorically made every teacher fall into this group. Not every teacher is like this but most of them are. First and foremost, my father is a teacher and just like every kid my ambition was to become a teacher (every kid desires to be in profession in which his/her parents are). With the passage of time I ridiculed this ambition as I realised I don’t have that love for teaching as my dad has. Let me exemplify his passion for teaching — once I was confused about some logic that I asked my dad about it generally. He got so interested that he went, took a pen, a notebook and came back. He explained me in detail. Had I been in his place I would have plainly answered the question without much effort. Another thing that I noticed is that if a person who speaks less and is a teacher; then a...