Social Networking Sites

Social Networking Sites (+ Whatsapp) is the second name of Internet for many people. People, nowadays, get their internet plans activated to use SNSs only. However, we can’t deny the fact that the range of internet is much, much larger than of SNSs.

“Are you on Facebook?” or “Do you have Whatsapp in your (smart) phone?” These are the questions that the newly-became-friends ask each other. And if the answer is in affirmative then they get added in each other’s friend list. That is a different thing if they, afterwards, do not converse with each other online and it just becomes a medium to increase number of friends.

Then, like everything has pros and cons, SNSs too have some pros. As the founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg claims “To make this world more open and connected place”; he has been pretty successful in it. Now that is a different thing if this connection is more applicable on unknown people.

Once, a childhood friend of mine – whose only nick name was known to me (as he dropped his real name in conversations once or so) sent me request on Facebook. It, somehow, did not strike my mind that it could be him. Afterwards, I was checking my messages where he disclosed some information about me and I suddenly recognized him. This is how that friend of mine, whom I was not even considering meeting again, found me through SNS.

SNSs also provide the much needed platform to the young talents of the nation. One can use such sites for the showcase of the talent possessed. Besides, news spread like fire on SNSs and thus making the users aware of the general day-to-day happenings in the world. People who are not regular newspaper readers can avoid being an oblivious person through such modes.

I find those people funny who have made their account on each and every SNS they are aware of. Be it Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Worldfloat, Instagram, Whatsapp, Orkut (soon to be closed) and god Google knows which else…. According to me, such people either have 28 hours in a day or they are insomniac (lack of sleep), and, in this way, they have time for all the sites they are available on. Perhaps, I find them funny because I laugh off easily. Terrible part of them being available (online) all the time is that they will ping you, which of course is a good thing; but then they don’t have anything to talk about. At times, that lot of friends will try to initiate a conversation who never took this initiative in real life.

Lastly, as a wise saying is everything should be used in a limited way, so applies on these SNSs as well.

Writer’s Note: I’m feeling like that old lady in your house who constantly chides you for operating gadgets all the time; for internet bills shooting up.


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