To: Kind People

“What has happened to Kindness?” Many of us have been caught saying this. Though the matter-of-fact is that kindness has not completely walked out of the scene and one needs to have an eye for kind hearted people. Kindness may not necessarily pay back you in monetary terms, but the ecstasy derived from doing such deeds will motivate you enough to continue it. I am darn sure just like me, you too would have witnessed such people who are kind and receptive to the needy people. So this post is dedicated to all those kind hearted people who have enough courage to stand up for such deeds. For instance, once I was walking my way back to home under the scorching heat of the sun that suddenly a lady on Activa came and voluntarily offered me to give me lift. Although I was not facing her (which implies that she didn’t even see my face which negates the chances of her...