In the world of Liars

Serial liar I have this habit of lying to kids. And this is not the worse part. I even forget about telling them the truths after lying. Once I fooled my niece that the printed coffee mug in our house had the picture of her mother/my sister on it. Later on, I forgot telling her that it wasn't her mother on the mug, but me. Next time, when milk was served to me in that mug, she cheered, 'See, that's my mom on it.' I was like, "No beta. That's me." She again says, 'No, it's my mumma.' I thought she was getting confused between the siblings as her mother and my face resembles quite A LOT. It was then that my sibling reminded me of how I had told the kid that forgotten lie. I don't remember this one in detail. (But I do trust my writing skills that even if I don't remember I can cook up stories.) Still I have this saving grace in the form of reading-out-loud partner (who is simultaneously reading this blogpost as I write - BLOG LIVE ki...