Ghostly affairs - Part 2
Remember the last time you woke up in the middle of the night because of a scary dream? That's the time you feel the bliss of having company of your closed ones. But I guess we all figure out one way or another to tackle midnight fears. I can easily relive the childhood memories of my dreadful days (and nights). Whenever I thrillingly watched a horror movie or a show, the night ahead would be the longest possibe for me and whosoever played my partner in bed. Because I felt that the ghost is going to attack me from behind, right at my back. So, I would keep getting closer to anyone next to me instinctively. My sibling had a really tough time one night. It was mild winter and she still felt extraordinarily-hot because of unasked for warmth coming from me. It was only at dawn that I felt a bit of relief as the chants of a religious procession started which were soothing to my soul. I could sleep peacefully only then. Such a fearful kid I used to be that if my siblings wer...