Barriers to studies

We all know how hard it is to concentrate these days. Be it in life, in meditation or in studies. Focus is ever lost amidst all the distractions. This post is going to revolve about the effort that goes in if you decide to take up studies after a gap of a few years. Especially, when there is no environment at your place to accommodate you for the same. Closure of public places, specifically libraries, in this hovering pandemic situation is only adding salt to the wounds. (That's a separate thing that I never went there for studies even when they were open). So, the other day I was finding a corner in my house where the sounds of Youtube videos or the conversations of any of the family members would not disturb me. But I guess I forgot to figure in the biggest challenge to silence. My nephew. A seven year old. When I opened my books half-heartedly, my nephew bang opened the room door. He asked me using his standard dialogue, "Can you play with me?" I denied outright. ...