Paternity Leave

Normally, I don’t take up topical issues as the subject of my blog posts. Because, usually, I don’t have very strong opinions and even if I do, I don’t want to get involved in mud-slinging. Why disturb personal equation with anyone over third party issues? I would simply nod away on debatable issues, without even letting the other party take any hint of my disagreement. So, when I was scrolling through the news feed of a prominent site, this issue kept resurfacing after a day or two, creating buzz time and again. Scratching your brains as to what could be the path-breaking news story that made me make mention of it here? Farmers protest? Maybe but enough is being said about it - in media, on social media, in half-page newspaper editorials and where not? Also, given the fact that I’m a staunch (P)Modi-hater, even if I take it up, it would be too one-sided, tilted in the favour of farmers, obviously. Disclaimer for what lies ahead: It’s not fandom that’s speaking. For I’m not...