Weird Diaries

I was telling a person that you are very weird, that you behave strangely all of the times. His comment directed the conversation towards me, "But you are the one who sets 'Stay Weird' as your status." I was speechless. Yeah, I tend to be weird at times. Once in a while letting my childish antics take-over the sensible version of mine. For instance, I always had this confusion: "What should be my imaginary name?" when I had to write it in the answer sheet during exams, as you are not supposed to disclose your identity. ( 'What a confusion,' y ou must be thinking.) Back then, Comedy Nights With Kapil got broadcasted on the TV all day long. So, I attempted two questions, naming myself 'Guthi' in one letter and 'Palak' in another. When I told my friends about this, they were in disbelief earlier but relented later on. Moving ahead, I was at a wedding function once. After all the major part of the event had unfolded, my sister and ...