Where can I get Satisfaction pill?

Of late, I wasn't satisfied with the way my brain had started thinking. I was often found complaining about my workplace and how unfair life is. Briefly, I was getting a bit thankless (to put it modestly). Deep down, I knew it was a toxic habit so I was contemplating ways to soothe and pacify my mind. I started getting engaged in activities for they say, "Idle mind is devil's mind." I thought of starting meditation as well as it is claimed that it helps in calming the mind. Then one day, I saw a video on Youtube. The speaker was telling about what we should and shouldn't talk about. One amongst the key points was to not to complain. 'Nobody l ikes to pay heed to an always complaini ng person, ' it rang a bell. Amidst all of it, a few weeks ago, I went to my village-place on an occasion. Man, what to say about the quantum of work people undertake there. I saw people literally sweating themselves out in what they call their 'routine chore...