Clarity of mind

Second thoughts are nowadays a common phenomenon in my brain. Be it about my routine life activities; or more closely about my writing abilities. People often (though not so often) upon reading my blog tell me that I write well (Should have I eaten the humble pie or not?). Like always, I don’t take them seriously enough. I always have had this belief that it’s not the quality of my writing that is making them shower a few words of praise but the lack of bloggers in their circle. So they are just acknowledging someone who has chosen to opt for this so-called ‘extra-ordinary’ hobby. People who know me personally know how fed up I’m of life and how blessings like ‘Live long’ seem like a curse to me. I can remember that once I was asking God for ‘ Clarity of mind’ and not anything substantial. I fail to understand how can demons like Hirnyakashyap ask for being indestructible. I wonder if it's a newly found problem that needs to get addressed because in my case it...