The art of being 'Smart'
Why are all of us in the quest of being the smartest? Why do we feel the need to prove ourselves right, no matter what? “We don’t listen to understand; we listen to reply,” I read a quote somewhere. We nourish in ourselves the vibe of ‘I-know-it-all’. Or more prominently ‘I’m always correct’. We are ready to counter the argument even before listening to it till the end. All of us encounter a bunch of people who find it hard to accept their mistakes. Almost everyone tries to avert taking the blame by conveniently passing it off to the closest person available. Do I need to say that we ourselves are included in the same lot? I’m sure even we’re guilty of the same offence. After all, we are not godly creatures who are perfect. “Thankfully, at least one of them admitted this fact,” God must be saying on seeing my confession. All of this is despite everyone knowing the fact that HUMANS ARE FALLIBLE. God knows who we are trying to fool. One of the people at my offi...