The College Days

People miss old days; especially their student life. “The best part of the life is your life of the student days,” said a person recently. Reminding me of this long overdue post that I’ve to complete. And it’s, almost, been 2 years that I’ve completed my college but here in this little moment let me recollect the memories of those days, those stupid days. I remember on the last day of my school, everyone else was hugging out each other, with a few of them even teary-eyed. But I was lacking that emotion. I have never been missing-this-missing-that type of person, or maybe I don’t make friendships so deep and pure. Even at the time of last days of my college, I was sure that I would be in the same waters as I was on the last day of school. Surprisingly, I was missing the college, even before I had completed it. I faintly remember those were the pre-exams preparatory holidays and suddenly I got the feeling that I’m missing the college. I am dead sure that it must be for the sill...