Guess who is back!!!

“Why don’t you write a blog now?” said one of the few blog readers of mine. And what more coincidental can it be that she popped up this question on the very day of my 3 rd blog anniversary ? (It’s been three years; I’m surprised that it's been this long.) And what a shame it is that I couldn’t manage to muster crowd to read my blog. Just Kidding! Somewhere in the backdrop of my head, even I had this slight guilt that I’m not justifying my bio (which states that I’m a blogger) and that I should get back to my job hobby. Even my sibling posed a comment upon me that you don’t engage in creative activities anymore. I started making a sketch, portrait to be precise, within a span of a few days. Someone else too in my circle pointed that you’re a blogger, it pinched a little as he was not aware that I hadn’t posted a word in last months, that I wasn’t continuing my blog. “Unofficially (i.e., in my brain I had quit blogging). Reasons? For I wasn’t getting ...