Depression Diaries

Warning: This post is not meant for people who are under depression for it may not sprinkle all the stress busting words that need to be said to such pitiable souls. I always wished to not to get employed as soon as I graduated; for I believe one should have a little gap in between to enjoy the ‘free’ tag where neither you are bound to attend the classes nor you are worried if you’ll get the leave from your office for the day(s) that your family has been asking you to take for the past several days. I was told that it’s not as such ‘the golden period’ but I didn’t bother. And it did happen the same way as I wished it to be. Just that it wasn’t as free as I thought it to be. Just after my final year exams, I was standing face-to-face with the dreaded question - What next? And I was as clueless as ever. I was doing all that I should be doing to get over the ‘unemployed’ tag but the dark tunnel/phase seemed to have no end. I don’t know if I can term that feeling as ‘d...