Do you get Bored?

"Only boring people get bored" ~ Ruth Burke The first time I came across this quote, I trashed the very idea of it being true. Incidentally, those were the days when I used to complain often, “I’m getting bored” to which none would have any solution. (Phones were not such big sensation back then.) And because I would iterate it time and again that I would end up getting more bored; maybe the repetition of it worked as a constant reminder to the brain that you ought to feel bored. Days passed by, weeks passed by, months passed by. This quote remained in the back of my head and I started using it on others whenever they would tag me ‘boring’ or complain of getting bored themselves. They were literally bored pissed of hearing this quote for umpteen times. Like, they say you don’t get to know when you fall in love, the same happened to me. Over a span of time, I started getting connected with the same quote and now I actually believe in it. It might be the...