
Showing posts from April, 2016

Tick Tock Clock

You are lying in your bed. All the lights are shut and everyone else has fallen asleep. A sound of ticking is coming constantly which is somehow not letting you sleep. You guessed it right.  I am talking about that constant tick-tock sound coming from the clock by your side. Constant literally, as they say, "Time never stops." Not even if you remove the batteries. It moves at an utterly constant pace that whenever I tried to count the number of seconds, it would tally for two-three minutes and after that estimate would go up or down.  Sometimes, Einstein’s relativity seems so accurate. Bad times seem to be everlasting while we forget that soon the happy times are going to be over, we seem to be so much engrossed in them. I remember after my 8 th boards, I had a month long vacation. For the initial days, I was as clueless as what should I be doing. I was waiting for them to get over. But then out of boredom, I got a new-found hobby to pursue. It was then that the time

Mission: Water Tank Clean up

“No, we are not going to use this water.  We doubt that it is not clean enough and is not fit to meet out the daily requirements” was the common consensus in my house, a few days after the plumber refused to change the water tank.  All my family members were at their hygienic-best for almost a month (and waiting for the plumber to change his mind which he didn’t) and didn’t budge their stand on using the water; hoping for the best. When we realised that nothing is going to happen, we decided to clean it ourselves. I was the one who was assigned the work to clean it along with my dad, which required going to the terrace which didn’t even have any stairs to go up through. I refused to go and asked my sibling to assist dad. Dad took her along unwillingly. (She’s quite slow and lazy and quite frightened one as well) After a while, she came back to home, for some cleaning material when I asked, “You didn’t go up, how is it like?” She replied, “It’s very difficult to climb up t