Am I Geek or ideal? Former.

If I have failed to establish a geeky image of myself until now, let me reveal some facts about myself from childhood that would surely help you make some progress, and my image to digress, from the ideal version that some of you may place me in (just imagine the scale of my expectations from you guys about my image amongst my readers) One of the popular posts on my blog is ' First benchers '. But that wasn't without struggle. As a kid, we siblings went to school on dad's scooter. I'm the youngest so I would stand in front, whilst the other two would sit behind. But, one of them was so slow, if I aimed to reach the class as early as possible -say 20 mins before the start of the school- she would get ready and be out of the home only at 20 mins or 15 mins to school. That was a bothersome thing for the kid wanting to sit at the first desk. I would impatiently wait for her on the scooter and take mental stress if someone else secured the bench. Each minute, I would sil...