About plastic eco-bricks

My nephew was taught to conserve the environment through plastic by his school teacher. Howsoever strange it may sound, I thought of giving it a shot. That you can help Mother Nature by putting used plastic to some more use. The idea didn't attract me initially, but I have this habit of reading everything printed on wrappers - from catchy slogans, ingredients to manufacturing addresses. On one such e-commerce company's wrapper was written a statement about buyback price of that wrapper being Rs. 15 per kg, if returned in a clean and dry state. (By virtue of experience in this field, I now know that it is mostly on 4 LDPE plastics.) The monetary reward led to the idea catching my fancy. I believe creative ways of making money give me a kick. I was pumped by my sibling who enlightened me with the concept of eco-bricks. I was as naive as you at that time. So, I heard patiently. "You take an empty plastic bottle, stuff it with unrecyclable plastic wrappers. Keep on filling it...