To: Times before Internet

I was just wondering about the times when there were no smartphones and limited hi-tech devices, which are readily accessible in today's time. Just imagine if I am pondering over those times, even though I've been through them, I've grown up in them, what would happen to the next generations. How would they perceive the era gone-by? Sometimes, I think it is a whole circle. After the world reaches the peak of technological advancements, it starts to urge for a little peace in life, a small pause to the fastmoving world. I remember we had to introduce 'No phone hour' at our home during the lockdown as everyone in our house was playing some media content at a time. If one person was taking a break from phone, then it was someone else's turn to catch onto the updates that there hardly was any hour of silence. Hence, the idea of No Phone Hour, at the end of which everyone ran to their devices. I can say for sure that back in those times people had a hard time acquiri...