Feeling Corona so near

How from so far it came so near. Around us. Amidst us. Those were winters of 2019. I remember how on reading newspaper I was telling mom about Coronavirus. That it's a new disease that is spreading like a fire in China. For the first few days, I kept on ignoring the news articles about it. Only after it kept on reappearing in news constantly that I read it properly. Corona accessories have become so much a part of our lives that mask is unmissable. One day I went out and I was feeling that I'm forgetting something. I checked - the phone was there, keys were there, the purse was hung on. Then I realised oh it's the mask. I am not very fond of wearing masks, by the way, courtesy the breathing problem if worn for a longer spell of time. But, it certainly has helped me in covering the uncontrollable smiles in not so favourable situations. "The crinkles of the eyes do reflect your expressions," someone alerted me. *Silly me* All the people with the tact of lip-...