Do I really look that young?

I know I'm way behind my schedule but there were some things that needed to be sorted out first otherwise they would have kept disturbing my mental peace. Plus, I'm also feeling a little awkward to write a post after over a month, I don't know from where to start. But my drafts came to the rescue. I look younger than I actually am. And I believe it is because I'm underweight which lends me 'growing' looks as opposed to a 'grown-up. Once I went to an office which is a sister concern of our office so we don't need to show our identity to enter the premises. So, I was moving at a pace as usual, when I was interrupted by a security official. Without giving it much thought upon seeing my free-to-enter attitude, he shot a question at me, "Kid, is your mother an employee here or your father?" His confidence made me let out a smile. How sure he was that he was giving me both the possible options which could have been. With equal confidence, I reverted...