To: The Fearful People

Fear. This word has an ability to get you goose bumps. A lot of phobias are named after a number of fears (Just go and google phobia names and so long a list of phobias will be displayed that it’ll definitely make you feel that you are phobic - one or another.) No, I’m not going to give detail of my phobias (and I don’t even think if I have one). While phobia is a long term persistent fear, I am going to talk about the scared-for-a-moment incidents. Before starting, I must tell you that I love ‘booing' people (no matter how childish it may sound). If you read my blog consistently then you must have read a line or two about this habit of mine earlier as well. I have managed to frighten each and everyone in my house by booing them. I admit that it was difficult to get a squeak (out of fear) from mom and dad, but I finally succeeded after making repeated attempts. I usually wake up late in the morning, consequently, I don’t fall asleep easily at nigh...