Does Company Matter?

On a random get-together, sitting in an eating joint and waiting for the food, a friend brings up the question “Do you think that company really matters?” Of course, company matters; the goodwill of the company and its profit scale affects your salary package. Plus the better the company, the better are the facilities and the better the work environment they provide to you. Bullshit. I was actually talking about companionship and the group of people you hang out with. Just as I was about to give my opinion, which was in the affirmative, of course; the other two friends promptly said “No, we don’t think so. How can someone else affect you, your habits and the decisions you take?” I so wanted to say otherwise but I don’t know why I didn’t. But here is my chance (After all, this is the space where I say whatever I actually want to say.) How does one become a chain smoker or a drug addict? Where does it actually start from? From the first cigarette which their...