To: Those bundles of joy!!!

Kids - this word invites many reactions like “Awww! So cute,” “Ewww! They are a trouble,” “They are a blessing” and many more. I heard this dialogue on a show “I like kids…. but from a distance,” which is true to some extent. Whenever we see a kid, how much do we adore their smile, their chubby cheeks, their naughtiness and what not? But wait, what if you are asked to be with the same kid for the whole day or two. You get to see the negative sides. Huge responsibilities which come with it and I don’t think so that I need to enlist these responsibilities here. First of all, here is an alert : Never get too driven by their cuteness to get a picture clicked with them. Because if you do so, then the chances are fairly high that you’ll end up looking ugly in front of them, unless you are super beautiful/handsome. Their cuteness just overshadows, no matter how much you try. Then they are treated like stars, not the ones you see in the sky but like celebrities. Once the todd...